Archive for August, 2014

Balance during everyday tasks

If you have read my last blog and could relate to what my fellow tennis player said about his legs getting longer, then you may also appreciate what another friend said to me…why do I now have to hold onto something when putting my socks or tights on?

This is a lady in her early 50s but already was finding that her balance isn’t as good as it was. this is because, unless we practise using our balance mechanisms then they do become sluggish and reactions slower. This lady is now practising balancing on one foot every time she brushes her teeth and after about three weeks has found that she can now balance when putting on her socks. Now that is a great outcome and so easily achieved.

I saw this joke that really sums up this and my last blog…

One ‘older’ lady says to her friend, ‘I went to an aerobics class the other day. I stretched, bounced about, fell over a few times, it was agony…by the time I got my leotard on the class was over’



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Stretches and movement needed!

One of my fellow club memberes asked me a funny question…’why is it that my legs seem to be getting longer every day?’ I asked him what he meant and he said that it seemed to get harder to reach his feet each day to put his socks on!  Many people find their legs ‘getting longer’ as they get older but what is really going on?? Well simply their hips are getting a bit stiffer and their muscles a bit tighter. Usually this can be improved by a simple programme of daily movement through range and simple stretches. Some people do these before they get out of bed….then their legs won’t seem so long when getting dressed!

If you keep those muscles and soft tissues supple then you’ll find your legs don’t ‘grow’ each night!!

A stretch a day keeps the leg growth at bay!!

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Commonwealth Games

Did you watch any of the Common Wealth Games? I was lucky enough to get some tickets and so spent the week up in Glasgow. It was great to see the city in such a good light, the sport was fantastic and the atmosphere amazing. I always find watching athletes at the top of their game inspire me to stay fit and try to be the best I can…doesn’t always work, still lose some games!

I have to say that I found the squash mesmerising. The speed at which they hit the ball and react defies belief at times but it does show it is possible to speed up reaction times with increased fitness, so, if you want to get to those shots a bit faster, react a bit sooner then what a good reason to exercise…you’ll be pleased you did when you see the benefits! Good luck!

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